Friday, December 24, 2010

Could it be

Could it be that just by texting an old friend back and forth has brought me to the conclusion of what passion I need to be following for my future. Perhaps... Perhaps I have just discovered that I no longer want to follow my passion for helping animals and begin following my passion for cooking and creating amazing meals for everyday people. Or perhaps I knew all along... Right now I cant tell. But I will say that I am going to think very hard about what I really want to do and begin taking an interest in myself once more. This year for me has been filled with quite a few tragedies and I have spent time dwelling on them and focusing on other people instead of myself. Im not complaining, but on many occasions I have known to just focus on everyone else and not do one thing for myself. This is the year for Ragan... And my family of course.

So for those of you who follow Morningbells cooking blog I promise you I will begin posting more, being more specific with ingredients and taking better pictures. Through my eyes you will see my world of food and why I love to craft certain dishes, why I take my time with each step and what feedback I get from my family and my friends about each meal. I think that by doing all of this for myself and for my followers and future followers I will find myself and begin to feel a sense of purpose and maybe finally make a decision to go into the business of catering or being a personal chef. It would be a dream come true.

All I ask in return is that if you do follow one of my recipes, please post a comment and let me know how you felt about it. What your family said and if you would make it again.

The next special meal I make will be posted for all to see!

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